Tesla Parting : An Emotional Roller Coaster

You’ve made the decision to sell your Tesla. You may be tempted by the latest Tesla model or another exciting adventure. Selling your Tesla can bring up a lot of emotions and questions. Buckle up for this exciting ride.

The Tesla family is the first thing to mention. This is not just another car, it’s an investment. Like a favorite pair of denim jeans, you grow to love it. They may fit well, but life changes and your closet gets full. Tesla, however, comes with a few very specific questions. What price can you give something that is so innovative?

You might get sentimental. Imagine the moment when everyone gathered in front of your Model S as though it was a spaceship. You can also recall how pedestrians looked when your car passed by silently. Not only are you selling a vehicle, but also the cool factor it brings.

Jumping into the sales process is like learning to ride a bike for the very first time. What’s the best place to start? Others prefer to do it alone, slapping on their elbows and sending out online feelers. Some people prefer the security of trading in their car. Unexpected pro tip: Keep an eye on the market. Tesla’s prices fluctuate, and not just because of new software or rumors about upcoming models.

How much battery power is still left? These miles don’t only represent numbers. These miles tell stories of adventures and road trips. Some sellers charge their cars to 100 percent before showing them, just like you would do to make sure that your phone has enough power to get through a busy day. Presentation is key, correct? Grandma was right when she said “don’t leave home without a fresh face.”

Teslas are known for their sleek and cutting edge look. Give your car a spa day. Fresh wash and shine can be the difference. Nobody wants to purchase a vehicle that is covered with leaves from last fall or pollen this morning. Imagine your Tesla is a red-carpet star.

Negotiating? Negotiating? Imagine it like a dance where every seller wants to be the leader. Prepare yourself for any offers that may seem cheeky. Remember to maintain your poker face, despite the excitement of seeing an interested buyer. The counteroffer is part of the game, and not meant to be insulting. Keep cool at your summer picnic like an ice-cube.

Behind this dancing is paperwork, a necessary evil. All documents should be collected: Service records, Battery Life Reports, Warranty. This will save you a great deal of stress later, when excitement is already high. You don’t need to scramble around looking for important documents while your buyer is tapping their foot.

If you are selling something to a distant buyer, consider shipping. You can choose from professional movers or adventurous road trips. It’s romantic to drive your Tesla, which will soon be sold to its new owner. You are delivering a precious heirloom. If that isn’t your thing, there are plenty of companies who will do it for you.

It’s not easy to sell your Tesla, but you can do it. You can find a buyer who will love its quirky features as much as yourself if you use the right strategy. Remember, selling is a great adventure, not separating. This is an adventure.

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